As we write this, real estate is experiencing a strong seller’s market. Not only is it easy to find a buyer in almost every part of the country, but bidding wars are also common. But before sellers get too excited about their profits, they need to remember that they won’t simply walk away with the sale price minus the balance left to pay on their mortgage. They must also consider seller closing costs. 

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Like any industry, the world of real estate comes with its own rules and lingo. Since buying a house isn’t something most people do all the time, the process can seem confusing and mysterious. For first-time homebuyers, the fear of the unknown can create a lot of anxiety. But even someone who has bought numerous houses in the past might be concerned that things have changed since their last purchase—or because of the pandemic.

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There is nothing quite like that very first home for first-time buyers. Buying a house is a big step that can be exciting, terrifying, and everything in between. Realtors who help find homes for first-time buyers are used to answering a lot of questions and walking clients through the process. We’ve compiled some of their best tips and advice.

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A “for sale” sign has popped up on a house you’ve always admired. Or maybe you see a sign on a house that just looks interesting, and that could be perfect for you and your family. Whether you’re already in the process of house hunting, or if you’re not really looking yet, you might be intrigued enough to take a closer look. 

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You’re about to form a very meaningful relationship. No, we’re not talking about dating or getting married. We’re talking about the kind of partnership you need with your real estate agent when you decide to buy or sell a house. And while you’re not committing to spending a lifetime with them, the bond must be one based on trust and communication.

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As a Midwest hub for start-ups, universities, medical institutions, and several Fortune 500 companies, St. Louis has more than its share of transplanted residents. When a company needs an employee to move to the region, it’s not unusual for them to offer some type of relocation package. Depending on the company, they might offer the employee assistance in finding a new home, or the money to do it on their own. In recent years, third-party relocation companies and relocation realtors have become a lucrative niche in the world of real estate.

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